'Sisters' - Funeral Tribute by Emma

Created by Emma 3 months ago

Hey Rach, my little firecracker,

It has been immensely hard to think of things to write as that means one
of the very things I feared most has happened. My heart is broken!

My beautiful little sister, what a woman you were! The strength and
tenacity you showed every day was nothing but heroic. You never
backed down from the challenges that life made you face, even right up
till the very end cancer never really truly won, you defied the odds so
many times and left this world on your terms as only a true warrior could.

What a journey we’ve had together as sisters and best friends. It was
such a privilege to watch you grow up and become this beautiful shining
star that we all know and love, you’ve truly been the bestest friend I
could ever ask for. I will treasure our conversations, our crafting
sessions, and our unique ways but most of all I will treasure all the hugs
we had.

Our holidays to good old Skeggy Rach weren’t they just full of some of
our best memories growing up? The memory that makes me laugh and
smile so much is our special giggle ride, I don’t even know what started
us laughing but we held onto each other and giggled every single time
we went on. And of course, roaming around Skeggy and Ingoldmells for
all kinds of goodies, especially the sweetie kind.

There are so many more memories I could share like the times you
would randomly wear a pair of pants on your head and burst out
laughing but I will leave you with this. It will always be us three sisters,
we will always be the Charmed Ones! Me and Sarah will carry our love
for you every day in our hearts and carry you everywhere we go until we
see you again. We love you so much, rest easy little firecracker!